In the heart of the city, there's a world of contrasts that I find utterly fascinating. It's a place where light and shadow engage in a mesmerizing dance, creating a timeless canvas of urban life. Through my lens as a black and white street photographer, I aim to capture the very soul of this world — revealing the beauty and complexity of our shared human experience.

With a sharp eye and a quick trigger finger, I seek out those moments that embody stillness and movement, joy and sorrow, connection and isolation. I try to blend into the background, becoming an unseen observer, watching and waiting for that perfect shot that offers a glimpse into the heart of the city.

For me, my camera is more than just a tool; it's my passport to a world that goes beyond the surface of things. It allows me to explore the hidden corners and forgotten streets that many pass by without a second glance. Through the images I capture, I invite you to join me on this personal journey, to discover the enchantment of the streets, and to see our world through the captivating lens of black and white.

Ravello, Italy